It's 2017 y'all!
I am 20 or so days late from posting a "New Year" post already but if you are expecting for something of a list of resolutions or bucket list or perhaps a tribute to 2016, I am sorry to disappoint you but this is not THAT post. Because new year does not mean new you, or me. I don't know what 2017 holds for me but I am very optimistic about it. I think it will be a year of challenges and new things. I'm excited to enter the world of the unknown and go on all kinds of adventures.
I did not create a list of resolutions (is it too late though?) but I decided that this year I will say YES more--to opportunities, invites and anything life has to offer. I realized being an introvert should not be a disadvantage. It should also not be a reason for saying no. I love a good conversation, in fact, I live for it. It stimulates the mind and its my greatest turn on so my second resolution is to keep in touch and reconnect with old friends. I know I suck as a friend already. I'm not good with communicating and I hate phone calls. So this year, I will t̷r̷y̷ ̷t̷o̷ change that.
So, if you're a friend and you're reading this, please know that when you send me a message, I always reply. Haha. Hey, really. Ask anyone, I am very quick to reply. But that's because I hate having notification numbers on my phone. And let me just say that this time, I will really make an effort to say yes to invites even if it means dragging my ass off of the couch and turning off the T.V.